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Introducing the New Owner of Good For Her: A Call to Our Community

Carlyle Jansen, founder and previous owner of Good For Her, is smiling and pointing to Rosalie Macbeth, the new owner of Good For Her
Dear Friends and Supporters,
I am thrilled to announce some exciting news – Good For Her is back! And I, Rosalie Macbeth, am the new owner.

As we embark on this new journey together, I wanted to take a moment to share our plans for the future and ask for your support in making it all happen.
For those who may not be familiar, Good For Her has long been a cherished part of our community. It's been a place of empowerment, education, and celebration of all things related to sexual health and wellness. As the new owner, I am committed to preserving the spirit of Good For Her while also infusing it with fresh energy and ideas.
However, transitioning into this role comes with its own set of challenges, particularly around accessing funds as a business in this industry. That's why we've launched a GoFundMe campaign to help us reopen the business successfully. The funds raised will go towards essential expenses such as restocking inventory, outfitting our new retail space, and covering some of the operational costs for the first three months.
We recognize that times have been tough for many, and we don't make this request lightly. But we believe in the power of community and the collective impact we can have when we come together to support causes we believe in.
Here's how you can help:
  • Donate: Every contribution, no matter how big or small, will make a difference. Your donation will directly support our efforts to revitalize Good For Her and continue serving our community.

  • Share: Even if you're unable to donate, you can still make a significant impact by sharing our GoFundMe campaign with your friends, family, and social networks. Spreading the word will help us reach a wider audience and increase our chances of success.

  • Stay Engaged: Keep up-to-date with our progress by following us on social media and subscribing to our newsletter. We'll be sharing updates on our reopening journey, events, and other exciting developments.
    To those who have already donated or shared our campaign, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your support means the world to me, and I am deeply grateful for your generosity.
    Together, I am confident that we can not only reopen Good For Her but also ensure that it continues to thrive for years to come. Thank you for being a part of this incredible community, and I can't wait to welcome you back through our doors soon.

    With gratitude,
    Rosalie Macbeth
    Owner, Good For Her